Make your voice heard

I don’t shy away from complex subject matter, and I will speak intelligently to an expert audience or translate difficult-to-understand concepts for a non-expert audience. Below are examples from a variety of different industries. Don’t see your industry here? Be the first entry in a new section.

Renewable Energy & Utilities

I develop thought leadership pieces focusing on the energy transition and renewables. Greenwashing is unacceptable, and I have walked away from projects that are thinly veiled attempts at this type of PR. If you’re an organization or company with true innovations to support the move away from fossil fuels—or a meaningful point of view on how we get there—I can craft your whitepapers, blog articles, and sustainability reports.

HR & Workforce Development

I led content development for a major year-over-year study of empathy in the workplace and what it means for HR departments. I’ve also developed thought leadership pieces on HR technology and approaches to improving the employee experience across industries.

Book Reviews

I often joke that my dream job is getting paid to read, and book reviews are the best achievement of that goal. I primarily review nonfiction books, particularly in history and science. My goal is to share honest evaluations and recommendations for readers.

Manufacturing & Packaging

How can there be thought leadership around manufacturing, warehouses and packaging? You’d be surprised at how much there is to say about automation, the future of the workforce, environmental sustainability, and economic trends in this field. If you’re looking for a ghostwriter to share your point of view on innovation or explain to your prospects why your technology stands out, contact me to discuss.

Technology & Cybersecurity

As you’ll see in my Portfolio, I develop sponsored content for POLITICO clients addressing the latest in AI and cybersecurity. I also write about these topics for non-profit and commercial clients, and I bring a journalistic touch to a crowded space where you need a unique voice to break through the noise.